A hot phone in cool November

Personal choice at outdoor sundials display

Two sundials with stoneware globe and armillary rings in November sunIn November the clocks have changed, nights are long, and outdoors it’s not so warm. So taking down our display of sundials for the winter seemed like a good plan. Until the phone started ringing. New enquiries were coming in.

A sundial for Christmas, something for a special birthday, a garden centrepiece? When your choice is personal, you want to look at an object properly so you can make up your mind. We needed to put our display quickly back in place again for people to come and see.

Gillian Polley is someone who always has her eyes open for new things. She knows how a unique object can sometimes be just the right suggestion for a client, when she is doing a garden design. “I really like these modern sundials,” says Gillian, “they are very individual. I will certainly remember about them.” Gillian’s business is Polley Garden Design.

The sundials display is now removed for winter storage. Enquiries are always welcome. Please ask to see any sundial that interests you. Phone Alastair Hunter on 0131 468 2616, or email sundials@macmillanhunter.co.uk.
